Before you add or replace your mailbox receptacle you need to contact your local post office to make sure it meets USPS regulations. This is particularly important if you are replacing the mailbox posts for your curbside mailbox.
Generally the postmaster will approve your choice on a one time basis so long as your post complies fairly closely with the standards of the United States Postal Service.
Just about the most important things you need to remember is your mailbox must include your name or address in lettering that is at least one inch in height.
The USPS regulations do require homeowners to install their new mailbox about 41-45 inches from the road’s surface if it’s possible to do so.
If your area doesn’t allow you to physically do this, be sure to contact your postmaster before you install, to check with them on what to do.
Always remember the mailbox must be installed on the right hand side of the road, so the mail delivery driver can deliver the mail without leaving their car.
In addition, a mailbox must be six or eight inches away from the curb (this is from the curb to the front door of the box itself).
If your wise and choose a locking mailbox style, you must be sure its approved by the Postmaster General before you install it. The box must have a slot large enough for typical mail delivery volume.
You also must not put any advertisements on your mailbox container or on the mailbox post. Only items delivered by the USPS can be put in a curb side or wall mounted mailbox but there are no laws on what can be put in a mail slot located on your home’s or your business’s door.
For all questions involving mailbox use and installation, you should contact your local post office branch. They can give you detailed information on what regulations are in place for your area.
There are different rules for mail slots and curb side mailboxes, so make sure to be specific with your questions. Just remember to choose a mailbox that meets regulations set by the USPS, that can hold your daily mail volume and that can offer you security from identity thieves.