When a typical mail thief targets your mail, in an attempt to steal your identity, it can be devastating. Most often, when an identity is stolen, the victim ends up with mounds of unverified debt and their credit rating is ruined for at least seven years. Sometimes...
There used to be a time when we didn’t have to worry very much about the safety of the mail in our mailboxes. Everyone knew it was a federal crime to steal mail, so they tended to avoid the temptation. Unfortunately, those days are now in the past and people today do...
This shows the size and function of the Mailboss mailbox units… Mail Boss Package Master Locking Mailbox by Epoch Design Mail Boss Locking Security Mailbox Commercial Wall Mount Mail Boss Townhouse and Metro by Epoch Design
There is a real hazard of identity theft and the risk for it to occur is huge. Someone going up to your mailbox and retrieving your mail is a simple way you can be made a victim. They build a false life around your name. They are able to sign up for credit cards and...
With an estimated 8.3 million Americans being victims of identity theft each year (according to the FTC), the punishment for identity theft has been forced into the news. While most thieves only use identity theft to gain items under $500, there are about 10 percent...
There is a cornucopia of mailbox parts and accessories (posts, flags and more) to spruce up your old mail receptacle. Sure, the only times that you actually think about doing something with the faded box is when you pull in or out of your driveway, but why not plan to...