No matter how carefully you look after them, mailboxes will always suffer with the passing of time, and sooner or later they’ll need to be replaced. Buying a new mailbox can be a big expense, and constructing your own is generally not recommended, as all...
Lockable mailboxes are one thing, but if you’re really security conscious, nothing beats a mail slot or a wall mounted mailbox. With identity fraud on the rise, more and more Americans are looking to these as the solution. But what should you know before you...
If you live on the coast, it may not have occurred to you that your choice of mailbox should be different as a result. But just as the coastal weather can take its toll on buildings, it can damage mailboxes – and like coastal buildings, they should be built with...
If you’re looking for mailbox replacements, one thing that is important to keep in mind is that in the U.S. the federal postal service has some say about what is considered an acceptable and authorized mailbox style and size. It’s important, therefore,...
If you’re building a new home you might want to consider mailbox construction as part of the process. Especially with a brick home, there are so many masons and construction companies that can create your decorative matching mailbox right as they create your...
There are many benefits of buying a brick mailbox. If you are in the market, brick may be just what you have been looking for. Sure, there are other options such as plastic and aluminum, but they do not offer nearly as many features as brick. But before you move...